Signage is a necessary part of your wedding day because it diffuses confusion for your guests, but the signs you choose can also add some whimsy, humor, or elegance to your special day. I've created a Pinterest board full of diverse wedding signage ideas here for brides to peruse. Give it a look and we'll talk a little bit about the things I noticed while making this board below!
Signs of All Mediums
One thing I noticed whilst meandering through Pinterest was the variety of textures signs are taking on nowadays. I saw signs made of sandwich boards, black boards, and wood as we traditionally have seen. I also saw signs made of cotton fabric that hung loose in the breeze, signs of glass or clear plastic, and even signs made from forks. You can really get creative with your wedding signage and there's a lot of great ideas out there to get your gears turning!
Some Considerations for Your Open Bar or Dry Wedding
Although a lot of the signs in this Pinterest board highlight alcoholic drinks, an open bar, and the photography of drunken shenanigans, I tried to balance those signs out with alternatives such as s'more or taco-based signs. If you are having an open bar reception, you might want to include a sign with safe ways for your guests to get home if they drink too much, though. I saw that sign in my searches and thought it was a fantastic addition to the board!
Honoring Loved Ones Passed with Your Signage
A lot of the signs I saw were there to acknowledge those who couldn't be with the bride and groom on their wedding day because they had passed on. There are a lot of great short poems and sayings that can be used in this instance, a lot of which I included in this board. You can see more ideas on how to honor loved one's passed in our last blog post and there are a handful of good ideas for that in this new Pinterest board, too!
Thanks for tuning in this week and let me know in the comments if you had any signage that really helped on your wedding day or you're looking forward to having!
To see more about different bouquet flowers, check out our blog posts on daffodils, delphinium, dahlias, lilacs, carnations, hydrangeas, lavender, or lily of the valley.
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