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Flowers of the Field

Update: Bridal Bouquet Builder App Re-work

Title: "App Update: Why is it taking so long?" The background is a photo of two women scrolling through a phone together in front of a gold and purple watercolor texture and a gold border of a circle inside of a square.

Our last app update was approximately 10 months ago and I'm always talking about the next one. It added more flowers to Bridal Bouquet Builder, but we know that there are a lot of other problems with the app that need to be addressed. This post is for those of you wondering, "When is Bridal Bouquet Builder's next update coming out?"

Why it's taking so long

There's many little reasons for the length of time it's taking to get the next version of Bridal Bouquet Builder available for you, but to understand it all, you really have to know a (fairly recent) part of Bridal Bouquet Builder's story (and I'll try to keep it short and sweet):

A 3-D cascade bouquet with large red flowers, love lies bleeding, and small blue and purple flowers sits in front of a light lacey texture on a phone screenshot.
We're putting different bouquet types in the new app!

BBB, as we call the app behind the scenes, was dreamed up by Sandy almost a decade ago and she went through a lot of different developers before she finally met a company that was able to make BBB a reality sometime around 2018. That company made the app you know now and was maintaining the app for Sandy, since Sandy doesn't have any coding experience - her specialty is wedding flowers. That company suddenly and very quickly told Sandy that it was going under in December of 2019, leaving her with an app that was lacking the features BBB's audience wanted and had no mechanisms available to help others edit the app in the future. Essentially, that company was the only one that could make changes to the app you have now and that company ceased to exist in January 2020.

At that point, I was helping Sandy as a part of my college coursework, but I stayed on the project because I knew that Sandy would need help to recover from this setback. Sandy reached out to one of the developers she worked with on the project in the past, Joe, and he was thankfully in a position to help BBB recover. Joe is making an entirely new app, single-handedly, from scratch.

It's going to take a long time to make this app the right way this time. That's why I take your feedback so seriously - we're always talking about what has to be in the app before the new version can be launched, what needs to change from the current app, and what features we want to add after the new version is up and running.

Keep in mind that our team is made of one small business owner and two freelancers.

The progress we're making behind the scenes

A screenshot of a 3-D round bouquet with a hand-tied handle and white and blue flowers.
The background color can change in the new version!

Joe is an absolute trooper. He's making the new version of the app so that others can edit it if he leaves the project for whatever reason and the app is finally starting to take shape!

Here are a couple of screenshots of what it looks like so far. This new app is designed to be able to add infinitely more flowers, to load your bouquets as you edit them, and to have a better user experience. We're also planning on changing our monetization so you get the value you deserve from the app.

Thank you for your patience as we do our best to make things come to life behind the scenes. Don't hesitate to send us feedback, too! I'm taking careful notes and we're always discussing ideas from you behind the scenes.

To see more about different bouquet flowers, check out our blog posts on daffodils, delphinium, dahlias, lilacs, carnations, hydrangeas, lavender, or lily of the valley.

We publish more Flower Tips every week on our Instagram and Pinterest accounts:


Let us know what you wish you'd known before designing your wedding flowers in the comments or on our Facebook page: !

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