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Flowers of the Field

How Do We Pick New Flowers for Bridal Bouquet Builder?

Updated: Jan 15, 2023

Title:"How Do We Pick New Flowers for Bridal Bouquet Builder?" in purple font with question marks and arrows in the margins and a gold border around the edge.

Update January 15, 2023

We're now up to 1432 flower suggestions in total - that's 691 more than 2021! As of this morning, the top 5 flower rankings are as follows:

  1. Delphinium

  2. Daffodil

  3. Lily of the Valley

  4. Magnolia

  5. Hydrangea

Suggest a Flower to get your votes in!

Wondering how we decide which flowers will be added with the next update?

Truth be told, the small team here at Bridal Builder is working on something bigger than just handing our users more flowers, but we know that our users want more flowers. You want more flowers and more colors more than anything in the world. We hear you, so I thought I'd share our flower picking process and give you the behind-the-scenes scoop on some of the work Marketing Intern Christina does!

The "Suggest a Flower" Button

A screen full of a variety of red flowers to choose from with a small pink banner on the bottom that says, "Don't see the flower you're looking for? Suggest a Flower!"
Bridal Bouquet Builder "Suggest a Flower" Button

This button is found in the main screen of the Bridal Bouquet Builder app and can be used by any of our fans to send us an email where they can request that a specific flower, color, or bouquet style be added to the app. We've received 474 flower suggestions in 2020 alone!

You could also send flower suggestions directly to, if you're feeling fancy.

We check the flower suggestions email approximately once every two days. If your flower suggestion has been recorded, we'll send you a reply to the email address you gave us when you joined Bridal Bouquet Builder (possibly your Apple ID or Google Play signup email address). This was something we started doing in March of 2020 so you aren't left hanging when you send in a suggestion!

A table that lists the top 5 flowers from "suggest a flower": hydrangea, anemone, dahlia, carnation, and lily of the valley.
The Top 5 Flowers Suggested by Users as of June 19th, 2020

When we pushed our last update, our choice of flower additions was largely fueled by human estimates of which flowers were most popular with brides at the time. Since then, we've improved our system so we can definitively say which flowers are most important to our users and rank those flowers. Keep sending in suggestions! Your "votes" DO MATTER!

Math and Data Analytics are This Girl's Best Friends

Essentially, I take your flower suggestions and put them in an Excel spreadsheet that tracks what type of flower/bouquet/color you would like. I then use a formula to create a table of our most popular suggestions. It was originally a laborious process, but now it's paying off wonderfully because I can tell exactly how many votes each flower type has at any given time!

Florists Still Get the Final Say, Though.

We don't blindly give you whatever flowers or colors you want, unfortunately. Sandy carefully chooses the flowers we add based on whether or not they're realistic in a bouquet. If a florist wouldn't be likely to give you a certain flower or color in your bouquet, we try not to put it in the app. This policy has room to grow and change based on where our customers and users are from geographically, as different flowers grow in different regions; but for now, Sandy has the best interest of our North American and European customers in mind.

Essentially, we don't want the app to get your hopes up with a specific type of flower only to have your florist say, "That isn't going to work." Wedding planning is stressful enough without adding in false hopes! Your votes still matter, though! That's why we prioritized dahlias and hydrangeas in the last update. So, let us know your wants and needs in the app! We ARE listening!

We publish more Flower Tips every week on our Instagram and Pinterest accounts:


Let us know what you wish you'd known before designing your wedding flowers in the comments or on our Facebook page: !


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